Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Benjamin...The life story.So my

So lets start off a little introduction here. My name im not sure if I've mentioned is not my name. And then name "Benjamin" was just chosen at random. You see I have all this junk on my desk and after talking to ash about how I should start up a blog I went to the website clicked sign up went through it and where it said I needed a username I looked over and on my desk was this movie "Private Benjamin" and I was like Benjamin that will do. So thats why im Benjamin.
So now explaining all this we get to the simple point of why this forum is called Gobstopper. All you really have to do is change the top paragraph words that say "Benjamin" and change them to Gobstopper. See take a look at this.
[quote]And then name "Gobstopper" was just chosen at random. You see I have all this junk on my desk and after talking to ash about how I should start up a blog I went to the website clicked sign up went through it and where it said I needed a username I looked over and on my desk was this movie "Private Gobstopper" and I was like Gobstopper that will do.[/quote]
See it almost makes sense? Up top theres this awesome guitar shirt banner thing? Its pretty cool Ash took the pic and sent it back to me all edited and stuff. I think its awesome.
So my day today, it was pretty boring during the time of 8:30-3:30 but then me and Ash went out to dinner, we to the movie place, go icecream then bussed home because I'm that lazy. After Ash got off the bus the bus stopped for like 10 minutes it was weird I didn't notice till a few minutes later. But I made it home in 2 pieces which is always healthy. See ya!

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