Miss me? I completely admit to orgetting about my blog. Which is sad since I've done nothing this summer so I probably should be keeping myself busy. I also probably should be leaving the house more often. I've only left the house was to see Ash once and to go to work. Which leads me to my news. I have no life. Its been decided.
I got a job which basically sucks but I guess all jobs suck. I've worked there 3 weeks and so far no pay. Me and my boyfriend broke up which leads me to pretty much hating most people right now. I've started a few fights lately which probably isnt too good. I wouldn't say this is my favourite summer. I sit in a room of purple all day. I'm sure I could leave the house but I hate asking for people to hang out and I dont like calling people. I find it awkward. But I want to go swimming, swimming alone isnt too lonerish is it?..I could bring my brothers...Wow im desperate.
I've just sorta of babbled today. Usually somethings on my mind. But I think ive had to much time to think things through. I'm sure i'll find something to blog about soon.